Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz –  
The last universal scholar  
That is what we think about him: 

"I think it is unique that Leibniz was not only interested in law, but  participa- 
ted in all fields of science. It is great that he was in contact with a lot of 
scholars and characters in Europe.“  (Valerie Strauß) 

"It is overwhelming for myself that he always believed in himself, even 
though other people in this age often turned him down. The time and the 
people probably were not yet ready for his knowledge and insight.“ 
 (Nicola Huber) 

"It is admirable that his knowledge is still alive today (e.g. Infinitesimalrech- 
nung). He must have been far ahead of his time compared with the other people of his epoch.“   (Sevinc Ayhan) 

"I think it is a pity that the professors refused to give him the title of a doctor, 
just because the older applicants felt betrayed. After all, he had the ability in 
being interested in different fields and understanding things better and faster 
than others.“   (Zeynep Akyel) 

"Incredible is the fact that he learned Latin at the age of eight years without 
any help, by reading books and noticing these things. This shows his unbeliev- 
able greed for learning and his ability in grasping things quickly.“ (Deniz Abar)  

Picture of Leibniz  in biscuit advertisement